
Healing Spices

Posted on Dec 9, 2013 in Research

Rich in phytochemicals, many herbs and spices serve as anti-inflammatory superfoods. Stock your spice cabinet with the following and it’ll double as an all-natural medicine cabinet! Basil— Researchers from the University of Michigan have shown that holy basil has anti-inflammatory activity compared to aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Traditional basil contains a compound called eugenol, which eases muscle spasms. Basil can help relieve gas and soothe a turbulent tummy. Cayenne—What doesn’t this spice do? Capsaicin, the source of cayenne’s bite is the main ingredient in many commercial...

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Adopting a Pet

Posted on Dec 2, 2013 in Research

Are you part of the two thirds of American households that have one or more pets? If so, consider yourself fortunate, as the health benefits of pet ownership are astounding: Rover, your beloved family dog, may extend your life expectancy! In fact, recent research from the University of Pennsylvania showed that among a group of seriously ill patients, only 6% of those who owned pets had died at the end of the study period, as opposed to 28% of non-pet owners. Good for Your Heart and Soul Rover offers you many other benefits—besides fetching your slippers and cleaning off your dinner plate....

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Staying Calm Amid Chaos

Posted on Nov 25, 2013 in Research

Staying Calm Amid Chaos “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.”  — Marcus Aurelius It is only by keeping calm that success comes in life. As a businessperson, mom, student, or a loved one to someone you can likely relate to this sentiment. But during the holiday season, it can be especially challenging to retain a steady and grounded vibe when everyone around you is racing around stressed out! Here are some ways you can use mind and body techniques to create a calming safe haven in your life—no matter what the world throws at you. Mind To help you get out...

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Essential Oils for Health and Wellness

Posted on Nov 19, 2013 in Research

When you think of essential oils, you likely conjure smells of lavender and peppermint, but did you know that their benefits go way beyond a pleasant scent? Essential oils have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Essential Oils Through the Ages Records indicate that ancient Egyptians were the first to use essential oils for healing, as well as for ceremonial practices and in embalming procedures. In the late 19th century, French chemist and perfumer Rene Maurice Gattefosse revived the tradition of using essential oils. After burning his hand, he treated his wound with the...

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Cancer Fighting Recipe: Apple Pie Smoothie

Posted on Nov 12, 2013 in Research

APPLE PIE SMOOTHIE INGREDIENTS 5 raw almonds 1 red apple 1 banana 3/4 cup Greek yogurt. (If you’re vegan, substitute coconut yogurt.) 1/2 cup dairy, almond, hemp, or hazelnut milk 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Saigon cinnamon has a richer flavor. Optional add-ins: scoop of neutral-tasting protein powder (e.g. whey or egg), 1 Tbsp of hemp seed or golden flax seed, 1 Tbsp bee pollen, 1 TBSP coconut oil. DIRECTIONS Place all ingredients in a blender. (Depending on how powerful your blender is, you may need to chop the apple and almonds into small pieces before blending.) Blend on medium-high for...

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Stealth Health for the Holidays

Posted on Nov 11, 2013 in Research

Stealth Health for the Holidays When was the last time you exercised, ate well, and got trimmer over the holidays? It’s a tall order, and one that many simply write off as the holiday season is designed for indulging, entertaining, and relaxing! The downside: Once the month-long celebration passes, you can end up feeling sluggish and heavier than ever. Well fear not! With these simple makeovers you can enjoy the holidays while keeping your health in check. Drink Makeover You will be surprised how little things add to your daily sugar and calorie intake. Consider the typical holiday drink—a...

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