Posts Tagged "stomach cancer"

European Mistletoe: Season’s Greetings and Healings to You!

Posted on Oct 4, 2014 in Research

Mistletoe is more than Christmas and kisses. The purified extract is a powerful immune boosting therapy used by 60% of German cancer patients. Clinical trials show that mistletoe: Lengthens lifespan 77% in people with pancreatic cancer Improves quality of life and immune function in people with stomach cancer Improves quality of life in breast cancer survivors Slows progression of sarcoma, melanoma, and colon cancer.  Is active against ovarian cancer May increase survival in metastatic cervical cancer Extends survival in stage II and stage III melanoma Mistletoe is an immune therapy. It...

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Beauty AND Health: 5 Cancer Causing Personal Care Products To Avoid 

Posted on Aug 31, 2014 in Research

Looking great shouldn’t endanger your health.  Yet, cosmetic companies can (and do!) put almost any ingredient in their products. Our shampoos. sunscreens, and cosmetics often contain dangerous cancer-causing ingredients. And, research shows that what goes on the skin gets into the blood. These 5 common ingredients disrupt the functions of estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormone. This increase the risk of breast, prostate, colon, ovarian, and thyroid cancer. Avoid these 5 toxic ingredients: Parabens: These are added to lotions, creams, and cosmetics as preservatives. When applied...

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Ask the Doctor: Nausea Relief

Posted on May 1, 2013 in Research

Q: I’m having a lot of nausea with Adriamycin chemotherapy. The medications help some, but I’m still pretty queasy. What else can I try? — Sarah in Houston, Texas A:  Helpful therapies to try include ginger, acupuncture or acupressure, aromatherapy with peppermint, or hypnosis. In a clinical trial, acupressure wristbands were as effective as the antinausea drug Compazine. I recommend Seaband or Bioband wristbands. To get help from ginger, start it at least 2 days before chemotherapy, and continue for several days after chemotherapy. The strength of the ginger extract is a...

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New Breath Test for Stomach Cancer

Posted on Apr 16, 2013 in Research

Scientists in Britain announced today that a simple outpatient breath test identified stomach cancer with greater than 90% accuracy. The researchers completed a phase I trial of 130 patients with stomach complaints. Larger trials will need to confirm the accuracy of the test before it will become available to the public. An accurate test for early detection could save many lives. Currently, most stomach cancers are found at a more advanced stage. Earlier detection would expand treatment options and make treatment more effective. The test uses nanotechnology to detect proteins released by...

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Green Tea Decreases Risk of Gastrointestinal Cancers

Posted on Apr 15, 2013 in Research

In a study of 74,000 Chinese women, drinking 2 cups of green tea daily decreased the risk of developing gastrointestinal cancer by 21%.  This applied to cancers of the colon, rectum, stomach, and esophagus. Green tea did not decrease the risk of liver or pancreatic cancer. Naturopathic doctor Dr. Kaycie Grigel provides a helpful commentary on the article in the Natural Medicine Journal.

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