Posts Tagged "diet"

Target BRCA & Cancer-Causing Genes

Posted on Sep 29, 2015 in Research

While the commonness of the BRCA gene has stayed stable for generations, the number of BRCA-caused cancers continues to rise. Why? Because diet and lifestyle guide the expression of the BRCA gene. What does the BRCA gene do? BRCA is an “off switch” for damaged cells, which scientists call a tumor suppressor gene. Our bodies make cancer cells all the time. Tumor suppressor genes tag these damaged cells for destruction before a cell can multiply and become a cancer. I’m a man. Why should I care? BRCA is one of many tumor suppressor genes. P53 is another, and is mutated in...

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Healing Spices

Posted on Dec 9, 2013 in Research

Rich in phytochemicals, many herbs and spices serve as anti-inflammatory superfoods. Stock your spice cabinet with the following and it’ll double as an all-natural medicine cabinet! Basil— Researchers from the University of Michigan have shown that holy basil has anti-inflammatory activity compared to aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Traditional basil contains a compound called eugenol, which eases muscle spasms. Basil can help relieve gas and soothe a turbulent tummy. Cayenne—What doesn’t this spice do? Capsaicin, the source of cayenne’s bite is the main ingredient in many commercial...

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Four Pillars of Cancer Prevention

Posted on Apr 18, 2013 in Introduction to Integrative Oncology

I am excited to share a guest article from naturopathic oncologist Dr. Dave Allderdice of Sage Cancer Care in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Allderdice has helpful advice on something we all need to know — how to protect our families from cancer. Four Pillars of Cancer Prevention By Dr. Dave Allderdice, ND, FABNO Currently one in three of us will deal with cancer at some point in our lives. Science has discovered some of the genetic links that trigger cancer and in doing so, we’ve also learned that the vast majority of cancer is caused by the way we live our lives. In fact, over 90% of cancers...

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Ask the Doctor: Soy and Breast Cancer

Posted on Mar 25, 2013 in Research

Q: As a breast cancer survivor, should I eat or avoid soy?  — Amanda in Bartlesville A: New research indicates that soy foods decrease the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Naturopathic oncologist Dr Tina Kaczor states: “As the following studies show, evidence suggests there is no increased risk of recurrence for any subpopulations of breast cancer survivors (eg, pre- or postmenopausal, estrogen receptor positive or negative, those on or off hormonal treatments). Further, soy consumption lessened risk of all-cause mortality with increasing levels of consumption.”...

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